Reasons for Unplanned Pregnancy
If you are a couple or a single woman who is facing an unplanned pregnancy you may have to make some difficult decisions that will impact your life and the life and future of your child. The reasons for an unplanned pregnancy can be numerous including not using contraceptive methods, failure of the contraceptive method, sexual abuse or rape, innocence or simply ignorance about sexual and reproductive health. An unplanned pregnancy can be a nightmare for a woman who might be too young to bear the child, is a single mother, or simply because her economic situation makes it impossible to provide for another child. Whatever the reasons, you should know that you have some options that could help you resolve this problem, including one selfless choice that offers you the opportunity to turn an unplanned pregnancy into a positive situation for you and your baby, offering you emotional and financial support and the opportunity to give your baby a life full of love and security.
Emotions with Unwanted Pregnancy
Finding out about an unplanned pregnancy is usually, for many women, a very emotional event that can cause negative emotions such as anger, guilt, confusion, and sadness. Unplanned pregnancies occur very often due to different reasons and those feelings are perfectly normal. Nevertheless you should not make any important decisions before letting all those feelings out by talking to your close family, friends, and professionals. Facing your emotions and taking responsibility for the pregnancy is important in order to start your decision making process. Unplanned pregnancies can have substantial consequences for the parents, the unborn child, and the siblings in the family, especially for women who are confronted with significant problems that can have long term emotional and physical effects on their lives.
An unplanned pregnancy can also have serious consequences for the relationship between the biological parents, especially if only one of them welcomes the pregnancy and the other doesn't. Many families feel overwhelmed with an unplanned pregnancy and worry about finances, housing, time and energy needed to raise a child.
Your Options:
If you are faced with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy then you have basically three options: parenting, adoption, or terminating it. Any of these choices may have negative and/or positive consequences for the life and future of your baby, as well as life-changing consequences for you. Some of these choices may also have major psychological and emotional consequences on your life that can last for a long time. In any case you should do more research on the subjects or look for professional help if necessary.
The Choice of Adoption
Adoption is seen by most people as a responsible and courageous choice. In cases of unplanned or unwanted pregnancy adoption offers the selfless act of giving the child a chance to live and it may even give the child a much brighter future than the birth parents can offer.
Placing your child for adoption is not always the easiest choice, but an adoption can offer you the opportunity to turn an unplanned pregnancy into a positive situation for you and your baby.
Most birth mothers see adoption as the most loving gift they can ever give to their child because it offers them the opportunity of a life full of love and security.

We can help you with
- Living expenses (in accordance with state law), including rent, utilities, food, and clothing.
- Your medical expenses, including prenatal care, hospital and delivery.
- You can select the adoptive family for your baby or
- Ask your specialist to select a wonderful family for you.
- You can choose to meet the adoptive family.
- You can choose to have some kind of relationship with the adoptive family or
- You can choose not to have any contact at all.
- You can receive letters and pictures of your baby.
- You can receive face-to-face counseling.
- You can talk with the adoptive family on the phone or by email.
- We will take care of transportation to and from doctor’s appointments and the hospital.
- Our loving families can provide a great future for your baby!
Is Adoption the best choice for you?
Adoption is a selfless choice made out of love for your baby. If you are leaning towards adoption, ask yourself if the following would apply:
- I wish my baby to have an ideal home.
- I want a good life for my baby.
- I want my baby to have security and a good future.
- I believe this way my baby will have a better life.
- I know I cannot provide for my child’s needs right now.
- I prefer adoption to give my child a good chance in life instead of terminating it.
- I need financial support during the pregnancy (living expenses, medical bills, clothing, etc.)